Sunday, November 1, 2020

Love by Serving

Sunday School Lesson 

“For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done you.”

John 13:15

Key Background Verses

  • Genesis 24: 24-33         Laban arranges to wash servant’s feet
  • Genesis 43: 20-25         Brothers provided water to wash feet
  • Ephesians 4: 6-9           Servants and masters but same Lord
  • John 13:36-38; 18: 15-27  Peter denies Jesus Three times
  • Psalm 41:8-10; John 13:21-30  Jesus Betrayed by a trusted disciple
  • John 12: 1-7.                       Mary Anoints Jesus’ feet with perfume 

Reflection Questions

  • What signs of servant leadership do you see in your own life?
  • How comfortable are you with knowing your purpose or mission?
  • What thoughts can you use from this lesson to improve your leadership at home? In the church? In the community?
  • Today is All Saints Day - Who are some people of faith who have passed on that contributed to your faith?

Prayer - Man’s Most Powerful Tool
Bro. Steve Brown

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